4(12) '2007
Nazarenko V.I.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
Full article (PDF), UKR
The working conditions, biological age (BA), frequency and spectrum of complaints of the state of health, rates of temporary morbidity (TM) in 407 workers of main occupations of the boiler — turbine shop (BTSh), eiectroshop (ESh), shop of thermal automation and gauging (ShTAG) TPS AC «Kyivenergo» were studied. The combined effects of physical factors the levels of which do not meet to hygienic norms is characteristic for these workplaces: noise (82-88 dBA), heating microclimate (28 32 °С), and also — uncomfortable working posture (class 3.1. of Hygienic classification of labour) and intensity ofwork (class 3.1.-3.2.). According to levels of the magnetic field (MF) of 50 Hz exposure it is possible, convetionally, to deter-mined three professional groups: electromechanics of ShTAG, controlling the metering equipment (up to 40 pT), machinists of different types in BTSh (up to 120 pT); electromechanics and electrical engineers of ESh (up to 1600 pT). By the data of the correlation analysis - three factors of the industrial environment: noise, microclimate (temperature of air) and MF of 50 Hz effect the frequency of complaints of diseases of the respiratory system (microclimate, noise), TM of the nervous system (noise) and TM of the blood circulation system (MF 50 Hz). Thus, in the group with the maximum levels of the magnetic induction (up to 1600 pT) the increase of the share of TM of the blood circulation system by 1,4—1,6 times was registered, in comparison with other groups, indicating the possibility of using the given parameter as one of indicators of unfavorable effect of 50 Hz MF on workers. The biological age of the BTSh and ESh personnel meets the IV Class of the fanctional deviation of BA from the population standard and should be considered as a risk group of work-related diseases. The pemissible exposure limit of MF 50 Hz (1758,4 pT) in Ukraine requires further specification with due account of the literature data and international regulations.
Key words: factors of industrial environment, thermal power station, electrical engineers, electroinechanics, machinists of the boiler-turbine shop, complaints of the state of health, temporary morbidity
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