Chumayeva J. V., Golikova V. V., Ogulenko A. P., Shafran L. M.
Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine
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Background. In psychophysiological studies on solving a wide range of tasks of various complications on temporal relationships, such as the rate of information processing, mobility of nervous processes, degree of fatigue, problems of methodological character are often detected. This is due to inability to correctly assess individual differences in parameters, characterizing the increase of the response time and the number of errors with due account of the complexity of the problem, as well as the instability of the obtained correlations of these parameters with external indicators. The studies of individual differences are promising, both in terms of understanding procedures of the information processes and search for their psychophysiological correlates. One of perspective methods of the structural simulation are models of latent changes, in particular, time choice reaction analysis by W. Hick method, making it possible to analyze temporal processes in the presence of a small number of data. However, despite the positive properties and simplicity, it almost did not receive application in psychophysiology. The difficulties are in interpretation of the obtained models of latent changes, based on theoretical assumptions and experimental data.
The purpose. To develop a dynamic model of the effectiveness of differentiated sensor-motor reaction in conditions of the increasing "imposed rhythm" mode and study its relationship with the individual-typological peculiarities and mechanisms of regulation of psychomotor activity.
Results. A number of relatively independent parameters have been defined, characterizing the initial state of readiness to complicated perceptual – motor activity, the intensity of the increase in the number of errors and the time for test with the complication of the task. Based on estimation of the number and time of increasing the number of errors there have been distinguished two leading mechanisms of perceptual – motor activity regulation. One of them is based on mainly the emotional evaluation of the degree of success of a given behavioral act, and the other – on attentive-cognitive function of receiving and processing of the information as a central link, combining indices, associated with the exact coordination of perceptual and motor acts. The correlative relations have been established between psychophysiological functions, studied by the complex program (a battery of tests).
Conclusion. The studied parameters are combined into a unified three-factor exponential model, making it possible to more clearly differentiate the character of the individual differences in solving complicated tasks, reproducing elements of the operator's activity.
Key words: a differentiated sensor-motor reaction, mobility of nervous processes, mechanisms of regulation, individually-typological peculiarities, mathematical modeling, evaluation criteria
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