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ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.15, No 3, 2019

Kalnish V.V.


SI “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the NAMS of Ukraine”, Kiev

Full article (PDF), RUS

Introduction. To the problems of monitoring of psycho-physiological functions of operators is paid much less attention than to the issues of occupational selection. Strategically, occupational selection cannot fundamentally provide for a qualitative prognostication of the level of occupational longevity and the availability of high work efficiency over a long period of time. Therefore, periodic psychophysiological examination of a specialist with the establishment of trends of changes in his/her professional abilities and the formation of their medium-express prognostication seem rather relevant.

The purpose of this study is to identify peculiarities of changes in the psycho-physiological characteristics of an operator, working in conditions with increased danger, in the process of their monitoring.

Methods and scope of research. At a number of thermal power plants, equal to their power and equipment, 180 drivers of power units (men of different age and state of health) have been surveyed. A combination of psycho-physiological characteristics, blood pressure, heart rate, as well as their well-being, activity and mood were tested.

Results. Theoretical analysis and consideration of empirical data made it possible to substantiate the availability of several stages of a regular change in the level of professional suitability of workers in the process of their long-term activities, in particular, formation of "hidden" professional unsuitability in workers with a long-term experience.

The established phenomena provide a clear substantiation for a need to monitor psycho-physiological characteristics of specialists in order to increase their professional longevity, preserve health, reducing rates of traumatism, and to maintain work efficiency.

Conclusion. It is established that in the course of occupational activity, the levels of development of an operator’s professionally important qualities are changing under the influence of two oppositely directed psychophysiological mechanisms: due to age-related changes, gradually worsening their manifestations, and due to occupational training, improving or stabilizing their level. The transformations of the functions of the body that occur naturally in an employee require monitoring of psycho-physiological characteristics for the timely application of adequate organizational measures. It is shown that in the process of transformation of psycho-physiological qualities in the experiences workers, they have prerequisites for development of the "hidden" occupational unsuitability, characterized by a high level of professionally important qualities and appearance of negative deviations in a number of characteristics of the body's functional reserves. The availability of such a specific type of deviations in the state of the experiences w

orkers requires particular attention when forming a conclusion on the results of monitoring their psycho-physiological characteristics. Conventionally, three stages in formation of professionally important qualities were identified, and their approximate age limits were determined: the stage of “working on or primary adaptation to work” - 20-29 years; the stage of "stable work efficiency" - 30-39 years; the stage of "formation of “hidden” unsuitability to occupational activity" - 40 years or more.

Key words: occupational suitability, monitoring of psycho-physiological professionally important qualities, “hidden” unsuitability for professional activity.


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ORCID ID of author:
Kalnish V.V. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-5033-6659)