Kalnish V. V.
State Institution "Institute for Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv
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Introduction. Rapid automation and computerization of production, transport and other branches of the national economy resulted in significant changes in conditions, organization and, particularly, in the content of work. There appear more and more types of work with similar load on the human body. In particular, many types of operator’s work are characterized by a high degree of monotonia. Because of wide prevalence of monotonic types of work the analysis of such type of work has not only lost its significance, but becomes more and more demanded.
Purpose of the work: to propose a classification of factors, influencing the development of the state of monotonia, basing on the analysis of the literature data, and to formulate its modern definition.
Results and discussion. The analysis of modern literature on the problem of development of the state of monotonia in conditions of uniform activity has been made. There has been found a wide number of factors, promoting the development of the state of monotonia. The characteristics of work conditions, affecting the state of monotonia, have been distinguished.
Conclusions. System-forming factors has been classified, which promote development of the state of monotonia, when performing a uniform work. It is established that the action of components of the work environment and work conditions (deprivation of irritants) are specified not only by the content of the working process, but, also, by a fundamental need of a human body in the proper variety of the exposed environmental factors. A definition on the state of monotonia ahs been proposed, taking into account the classification of system-forming factors, promoting development of the state of monotonia. The shortcomings in the acting "Hygienic Classification of work…" (2014) have been found, when assessing monotonic loads, and there are outlined ways for their removal.
Key words: uniform activity, state of monotonia, sensory deprivation, motor deprivation, work conditions, factors of monotonia formation
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