2(22) 2010
Varyvonchyk D. V., Nahorna A. M., Sokolova M. P.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
Full article (PDF), UKR
The morbidity of coniotuberculosis (CTB) in Ukraine makes 1,4 % of all other occupational pathology (for patients with pneumoconiosis — 5,0 %). Annually 104 cases of CTB (cumulative number of patients for the period of 1993—2008 is 1673) are recorded in Ukraine, on the average. Among patients with CTB men are prevailing (92,9 %). The maximum cumulative number of patients with CTB has been recorded among patients of more than 50 years old (79,4 %), with the length of experience of 5—29 years (78, 4 % of all cases) and with maximum — 10—14 years.
Cases of CTB were recorded in mining industry (coalmining) (70, 8 %), metallurgical production (12, 3 %), in production of machines and equipment (8,3 %), in construction (1,2 %), chemical industry (0,7 %) and in other branches (6,8 %). Measures have been proposed for improvement of detecting and recording case of CTB in phthtisiatric and occupational health services, in development of programs on preventing CTB at workplace.
Key words: tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis, epidemiology, Ukraine
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