2(22) 2010
Kundiev Y.I., Varyvonchyk D.V., Nahorna A.M., Sokolova M.P.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
Full article (PDF), UKR
The morbidity of occupational tuberculosis (OTB) in Ukraine makes 0,95 % of all other occupational pathology. Annually 55 cases of OTB are recorded in Ukraine, on the average, (cumulative number of patients for the period of 1993—2008 — 880). Among patients with OTB of lungs women are prevailing (82,9 %). The highest morbidity rates for OTB are recorded in oblasts with high morbidity rates of tuberculosis (TB) for the population (r = 0,70, p < 0,05). The maximum cumulative number of patients with OTB has been recorded among persons of able-to work age — from 20 to 49 years old (80,1 %) with the length of experience from 1 to 24 years (83,2 % of all cases) and with the maximum — 5—14 years (40,4 %). 94,3 % of all caseB of OTB recorded among public health workers. The highest number of patients with OTB are recorded in occupational groups: nurses (40,6 %), physicians (23,9 %), young nurses (20,8 %) and others (bacteriologists, assistants, disinfectors, laundresses, preparators (14,7 %). OTB has been recorded only among 16,5 % workers of anti-tuberculosis establishments. Measures have been proposed for improvement of actions, directed at detection and recording of cases of OTB by tuberculosis and occupational health services.
Key words: tuberculosis, occupational diseases, epidemiology, Ukraine
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