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Lugоvskyi S. P.1, [Shlopov V. G.] 2, Sudya D. A.3


1SI "Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine", Kiev

2Donetsk National Medical University

3Odessa National Medical University

Full article (PDF), ENG

Background. In recent years, stable strontium and its compounds have found their wide application in various branches such as industry, agriculture, medicine, as well as in everyday life. However, aspects of the toxic effects of metal and its compounds on the body are not yet fully understood.

Purpose of the study. To study hepatotoxicity effects of stable strontium chloride in chronic experiments in rats, according to morpho-functional data.

Materials and methods. An experimental model of chronic strontium intoxication was used on male rats (n = 36), daily (5 days a week for 4 months) in intragastric gavages of an aqueous solution of strontium chloride in the stable dose of 1/30 DL50. The hepatotoxic evaluation of stable strontium chloride effects was made according to histological and histochemical study on rat liver after 1, 2, 3 and 4 months. For this purpose histological specimens were stained with hematoxylin & eosin, toluidine blue, ammoniac solution of silver nitrate, mixture of sudan III & IV. Histochemical reactions were carried out: PAS (period ic acid–Schiff) in combination with diastase (PAS-D stain) for detection of glycogen, as well as the coupling with naphthol AS- BS- phosphate for detecting the activity of acid phosphatase (AP).

Results. The studies have shown that chronic exposure to low doses of stable strontium chloride, are accompanied by development of hepatotoxic effects, which are characterized by: blood circulation impairment (blood stasis in hepatic veins and sinusoidal capillaries, especially in hepatic acini zone III); stromal edema and organ hyalinosis with collagen fibers; lipo- and protein dystrophy of hepatocytes, developed due to the reduced amount of glycogen in hepatocytes; hypertrophy and hyperplasia of Kupffer cells, as well as the increase in the amount of Kupffer cells in hepatocytes, due to histochemical activity of AP.

Conclusion. Chronic exposures to stable strontium chloride in small doses, at 1/30 DL50 causes development of drastic effects due to hepatotoxic metal action, which should be taken into consideration ,when assessing the risk of exposure to this metal both for industrial and household environment.

Key words: stable strontium, intoxication, experiment, hepatotoxic effects


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