Zaitsev D. V.1, Yeschenko O. I.2, Vasylyuk-Zaytseva S. V.3
1State Institution "Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv
2Ukrainian Militari Medikal Academy, Kyiv
3Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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Background. Volume pneumopressing (OP) is an innovative and promising method of medical rehabilitation. In recent years, a number of studies have been devoted to its study. However, the requirements for performing OP procedures are not clear, since the use of OP is not considered in the current regulatory documents
Materials and methods. The requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine were analyzed with due account of the known experience on conducting VP procedures.
Results. The requirements for premises for using OP are laid down in the Acting Building Norms (DBN) B.2.2-10-2001. The premises do not provide for permanent people staying, so they can be designed without natural light. The air exchange refers to the category "clean". The humidity should be 40–60 %. In the warm season, the maximum speed of the air movement can be 0,3 m/s, while the temperature – 20–27 °C; in the cold season is should be 0,2 m/s and 20–23 °C, respectively. The area for a couch can be the same as for electrotherapy or reflexotherapy. The dimensions of the couch are given in DNAOP 9.1.502.08-86 and it is desirable to adjust them to the height of a nurse. The work is classified according to DBN В.2.5-28-2006 as the category B2 and according to DSN as IIa, IIb. The procedure of VP is not referred to harmful work and there is no exposure to harmful and dangerous physical factors. When conducting the procedure it is necessary to minimize contacts of a patient's skin with the surface of the cuff. The disinfection and maintenance of the device are conducted according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Conclusion. The implementation of the proposed requirements enables to improve the effectiveness of VP procedures, promote the health of the medical personnel and to obtain the comparable results of future trials.
Key words: volumetric pneumopressing, occupational health
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ORCID ID of co-authors and their contribution to the preparation and writing of the article:
Zaitsev DV (ORCID ID 0000-0002-0841-1504) - literary search, participation in the analysis of medical literary data, provision of original data on the procedure of volume pneumatic pressuring, text processing;
Yeshchenko O.I. - development of goals and tasks of research, substantiation of the topic, scientific guidance, participation in literary search, participation in the analysis of medical literary data;
Vasilyuk-Zaitseva SV (ORCID ID 0000-0002-0875-462X) - Participation in literary search, analysis of technical literary data.