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1 '2005

Kundiyev Y.I., Nahoma A.M.


Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Full article (PDF), UKR

The state of occupational morbidity in Ukraine in the survey of 1984—2003 has been analyzed. It was established that the average level of such morbidity (13,3±4,9 per 100 000 population) was significantly lower than in countries of European Union (43,0±0,9) and in all European countries (30,1 ±0,4), and takes the first place among 38 countries of Europe according to the WHO EURO data. Ukraine takes the second place among CIS countries and is inferior by rates of occupational morbidity to the Russian Federation (11,2± 1.9) approaching that of Ukraine.

The occupational morbidity rates in 1984—2003 are distinguished by two waves: the first — with the peak in 1994 and the second with the start in 2000 and lasting till now. According to the cluster analysis the highest and high levels of occupational morbidity have been recorded in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Lugansk regions, the lowest — in south and western regions. In the structure of occupational pathology diseases of respiratory organs, nervous system, organs of sense, motor apparatus are prevailing. There were revealed low levels of occupational skin pathology, cancer diseases and diseases of chemical genesis.

Key words: harmful occupational factors, occupational morbidity, dynamics of survey, types of occupational pathology


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