Nahorna, A. M., Sokolova, M. P., Kononova I. G.
State Institution "Institute for Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv
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Introduction. A particular part in maintaining work capacity in the working potential in Ukraine belong to medical workers, being involved in health care of people, employed in production of goods and services. The efficiency of the medical branch in preservation and recovery of the health of the working population depend, in particular, on the state of health of medical workers themselves.
Purpose of the study. To study peculiarities in formation of occupational morbidity of medical workers in Ukraine over 2001–2015.
Materials and methods. A principle of complete statistical processing of the primary documents – all available "Cards of accounting occupational diseases (occupational poisonings)" was taken as the basis for studying occupational morbidity, which covered all cases of occupational diseases in medical workers, first detected and recorded in Ukraine over the mentioned years, with due account of distribution of cases of diseases by regions, types of pathology, age, work experience, etc. Results. It has been recorded 1092 cases of occupational diseases in the health branch (35–103 cases annually), corresponding to 0,31–0,76 per 10 000 workers. Since 2006 a stable tendency to decrease in the number of cases and level of occupational morbidity has been observed in Ukraine, which correlates with work conditions in the health service. The firs place in the structure of occupational diseases in medical workers is taken by tuberculosis (80–100 %, over 15 years, on the average – 87,7 % ), the second place – diseases of the muscular-skeletal system (from 1,3 to 87,7 %) 3,1 %, on the average, the third place – allergic diseases (from 1,0–5,1 % (2,3 % on the average).
Conclusion. Occupational morbidity of medical workers is conditioned by many reasons: influence of a combination of factors, different by their nature; formal conduction of preliminary medical examinations and permit-to-work for persons with medical contraindications; prevalence of self-treatment among medical workers without visiting specialists; lack of standardized requirements to safe work conditions and health protection of medical workers; use of obsolete technologies in every day practice; insufficient level of professional training and information on recognition of the problem on the personal safety by medical workers in fulfilling their duties as well as a low priority of this problem for administration of medical establishments; insufficient provision of medical institutions with material and technical equipment, devices, diagnostic units, materials and instruments.
Key words: occupational morbidity, medical workers, health service establishments, types of pathology, harmful and dangerous work conditions
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