Pashkovskyi S. M.
Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv
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Introduction. At the present stage of the aviation development execution of professional tasks occurs on the background of action of flight factors, which can be potential risk factors for the health of pilots and for flight safety. These circumstances determine the importance, on one hand – selection for flight specialties individuals, which are most resistant to dangerous conditions of activity, on the other - early detection of risk for disease occurrence, psychosomatic disorders, their timely correction and preventing development of states, which can present danger for health and safety. The problem of assessment of the functional state of pilots is very important. This is due to the fact that pilots’ combat capacity much depends on their functional state and on the combination of professionally important qualities.
The aim – to identify physiological characteristics of the age dynamics of professionally important qualities in modern military pilots and helicopter pilots.
Materials and methods. There have been examined 250 persons. Of these, pilots and navigators of the fighter, bomber, navigator, transport and reconnaissance aircraft amounted to 130 (group I); military helicopter pilots – 120 persons (group II). All members of the crews were divided into two age subgroups (before 40 and older than 40). The study was carried out with the help of the hardware and software PFI-2 "Hronorefleksometr".
Results. Both in military pilots and helicopter pilots and in the age aspect there were observed dynamic changes in professionally important psychophysiological qualities, pointing to an uneven decrease of professional possibilities in military pilots and in helicopter pilots. On the other hand the stability of some physiological characteristics with age confirms their importance for flight activity. Therefore, in order to assess professionally important qualities it is necessary to take into account this phenomenon as real evidence of the usefulness of each of the physiological quality for providing success in pilot's occupational activity. Conclusions. A hypothesis has been formulated concerning explanation of the phenomena of aging changes in physiological characteristics of pilots from positions of the theory of functional systems and systemogenesis by P.K. Anokhin. The possibility was grounded to use age peculiarities in the dynamics of changes of professionally important psycho-physiological qualities in psycho-physiological monitoring for the purposes of medical support of servicemen. Psychophysiological reserves of military pilots and helicopter pilots are significantly different. This is due to different levels of fitness of physiological properties of these contingents and with high psycho-emotional and physical strain in pilots when doing their duties.
Key words: physiological quality, age-related changes, military pilots, helicopter pilots, systemogenesis, heterochronicity
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