4(24) 2010
DOI xxxxxxxx
Solovjov A.I.
SE «Research Institute for Medico-Ecological Problems of Donbass and Coal Industry», Donetsk
Full article (PDF), UKR
The purpose of the research was to ground a methodical approach to hygienic assessment of work conditions in complicated cases at workplaces (different workplaces, arrhythmic industrial process, technological cycles, distribution in more than one shift and so on). (on the example of coal miners). For this purpose, 120 sanitary-hygienic characteristics and 52 certificates on work conditions for coal miners in 20 Donbass and Lvov-Volyn coal mines have been analyzed, using, also, the data of personal industrial studies of work conditions of coal miners in 6 coal mines. The results of the work have been partially intro¬duced as methodical recommendations for the determination of typical sanitary-hygienic characteristics of work conditions for workers of main underground occupations in coal mines of Ukraine.
Key words: hygienic assessment, work conditions, coal miners, coal mines, types of work organization, certificates of workplaces
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