3(31) 2012
DOI xxxxxxxx
Stasyshyn R. O.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
Full article (PDF), UKR
The results of hygienic and psychophysiological investigations of work conditions of electricians of operative-travelling bri-gades (OTB) are laid down. Rates of exposure to external work environment for workers in the age aspect have been assessed. It was shown that such factors of the external work environment as «height», «wind», «current», «rain» were the most signifi¬cant. The factor «low temperature» equally influenced on representatives of all age groups. The intensity of work of electricians of OTB has been assessed, which, according to «Hygienic classification...» (2001) is referred to Class 3.2 of harmfulness.
Key words: work conditions, electricians of OTB, factors of work environment, professiogram
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