1 '2005
Apykhtin K.A.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
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This article is devoted to research of vegetative regulation of the cardiovascular system in patients with a chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Persons with CFS have The decrease of the general adaptation potential and decrease in the activity of autonomic and central contours of sinusal node regulation, shift of the vegetative balance close to sympathicotonia, an excess degree of regulatory systems strain; decrease in parasympathetic reactivity is revealed in preseration of normal sympathetic reactivity. Significant decrease of the degree of regulatory systems strain in the group of patients with high level of chronic fatigue in comparison with the group of patients with low level of chronic fatigue may prove to development of insufficiency in regulatory mechanisms.
Key words: vegetative regulation, cardiovascular system, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), regulatory systems strain, insufficiency in regulatory mechanisms
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