1SI «Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv
2National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. L. Shupik, Kyiv
Emergency Situations (SMMRS SES of Ukraine), who are forced to perform their professional duties (rescue operations) in extreme conditions with the risk for their life. The specificity of the work performed gives grounds to raise the issue on retirement by age of the specified contingent of workers on preferential terms. However, until now comprehensive hygienic studies on this problem, using the evaluation criteria of the new «Hygienic Classification on Work», have not been carried out. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of working conditions and justify the list of positions (professions) of main employees of SMMRS SES of Ukraine, who are eligible for a retirement pension by age on preferential terms.
Materials and methods of research. Informational and analytical methods: selection and analysis of the scientific information on the studied topic. Calculations of indicators of heaviness and intensity of the working process of rescuers on the basis of the data on the course of liquidation of the accident (fire) in the mine. Analysis of materials of instrumental studies of the dust and gas composition of the air in the working zone by the data of the gas analytical laboratory. Hygienic and physiological methods: laboratory and instrumental studies of factors of the working environment and the work process during training and competitions on tactical and technical training of units of the SMMRS SES of Ukraine.
Results. It has been established that working conditions of employees of the SMMRS SES of Ukraine: respirators, squad leaders, platoon commanders (their deputies and assistants), squad commanders (their deputies and assistants) at their workplaces can be referred to 4th Class (dangerous) with the expressed emotional stress, to be interpreted as a specific character of work, being not a regulated factor in the work environment or in the work process, according to item 1.3, Section II of the «Hygienic Classification of Work».Work conditions of samplers, engaged full-time in the underground sections of mines (mining camps), are considered as particularly harmful by the integral evaluation (Class 3.4, item 1.2, Section II), according to the «Hygienic classification of Work»).
Conclusions. Hygienic criteria have been developed for scientific substantiation of changes and additions to the subsection 5, section I of List No. 1, concerning the List of occupations and positions, according to which the above mentioned employees have the right to a retirement pension on age by preferential terms. There are all grounds in certification of workplaces of the main respiratory staff of the SMMRS SES and the samplers in the mines (mining camps) to include these occupations in the List of workplaces, according to the List No.1 by occupational characteristics.
Key words: paramilitary rescue service, mines, mine rescuers, hygienic assessment, working conditions, attestation of workplaces