Nazarenko V. I., Cherednichenko I. M., Nykyforuk O. I., Martirosova V. G., Tikhonova N. S., Beseda A. Yu., Paliychuk S. P.
State Institution «Institute for Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv
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Introduction. The effect of work conditions on bank employees, with account of modern requirement to workplace organization, needs further studies and development of preventive measures.
Purpose of the study – to study work conditions and characteristics, and their influence on bank workers.
Materials and methods. The study of work conditions was conducted at workplaces of 188 bank workers of the central branch of JSC «UkrSibbank», with due account of acting normative and methodological documents, and covered: heads of department, economists, managers, and others. The biological age of 130 workers was studied using a questionnaire survey of 188 workers, in order to reveal complaints of work conditions and the state of health. The statistical processing of the data was made using standard programs Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and STATISTICA 6.0.
Results. It is found that the most common factors, affecting the bank workers, are microclimate, work strain and the lack of aeroionization. Workers often complained of unsatisfactory work conditions: microclimate parameters, annoying and interfering noise, insufficient lightening. Unpleasant sensations in eyes during the work shift were recorded in (50,0 ± 5,4) complaints per 100 workers, (44,2 ± 4,3) respondents per 100 respondents pointed to unsatisfactory state of respiratory organs and frequent catarrhal complaints. Studies on the biological age of bank employees indicate that at temperatures above 25 °C at workplace, the aging rate of workers increased to (2,48 ± 0,98) years and more, in comparison with the population standard (p < 0,05).
Conclusions. The results of sanitary and hygienic research of work conditions of bank employees show the need to introduce appropriate preventive and engineering measures for normalization of the microclimate parameters, to carry out a set of measures on rationalization of the ventilation, organization of workplaces and improvement of work conditions.
Key words: work conditions, hygiene evaluation, bank workers, biological age, complains about health
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