1(25) 2011
Yavorovskyy O. P.1, Veremey M. L.1, Shevtsova V. M.1, Bobir V. V.1, Zmchenko T. O.1, Polotay V. V.2, Ragulya A. V.2
1 National medical university of the name of O. O. Bogomol'ca
2 Frantsevich institute for Problems of Material Sciense of NAN of Ukraine
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Studies on physiological and hygienic estimation of the technological process in experimental and industrial production of barium titanate nanocrystal powder by thermal synthesis have been conducted. It is established that it is typical for this process the presence of a number of harmful factors of the work environment. These are: barium titanate nanocrystal powder and barium titanyl-oxalate, carbon oxide and dioxide as well as noise and strain of an operator’s work process. In the dust of barium titanate nanocrystal powder, which can enter the working zone air, agglomerates are prevailing. Their size can reach hundreds and thousands nanometers. In the air, which is removed from industrial premises and is thrown out into the atmospheric air, nanoparticles sized from 50 to 100 nanometers have been found. In order to prevent a probable negative effect of the dust of barium titanate nanocrystal powder it is necessary to conduct toxicological and hygienic studies, aiming to grounding TLV value for the working zone air and to develop methods of cleaning of the air, which is thrown into the atmosphere, from nanoparticles.
Keywords: nanotechnology, nanoparticles, barium titanate, work environment, environment, prevention
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