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3-4 '2005

Pyshnov G.Yu., Chuy T.S., Vysozkaya L.G.

Physiological and hygienic studies of workers providing radio technical control of the air traffic

Institute for Occupational Health of the AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Full article (PDF), RUS

Pilot physiological and hygienic studies of conditions and character of work of engineers of radio locations, radio navigation and communication engaged in the control of air traffic show that their work is characterized by a great number of function¬al duties as well as by unfavorable work environmental factors. It is found that in accordance with the criteria of Hygienic Classification of Labour- Hygienic Standard 3.3.5-3.8; 6.6.1-083-2001 there is recorded the increase of the permissible lev¬els in respect of such parameters as noise, microclimate, illumination, ionic content of the air, work strain. A tendency was reveled to the increase of the arterial tension as well as the rate of aging in this occupational group.

Key words: engineers and technical personnel, radiolocations, radio navigation, communication, hygienic assessment


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