Chyrva O. V.
SI «National Institute of Therapy named after L.T. Malaya of NAMS of Ukraine», Kharkiv
Introduction. The main directions of preventive medicine are to establish the risk factors for chronic non-communicable social diseases, to study the constitutional-typological characteristics of different populations (somatotype), to assess body’s functional adaptation reserves by noninvasive techniques and to correct the prenosological deviations in due time. The problem of health status of young persons is rather actual.
The aim was to improve the efficiency of prevention of the functional pathology among the organized student population by assessing the role of the main trigger factors of lifestyle in young adults.
Materials and methods. The study was performed on 305 persons (125 males, 180 females) of mean age 20,3 ± 0,2. All patients were divided into two groups: I — persons with NCD cardiac form (study group), II - healthy subjects (control group). Depending on the presence of functional disorders in the digestive system (FDDS) the following subgroups were formed: patients with the established functional dyspepsia (NCD + functional dyspepsia) (n = 68), irritable bowel syndrome (NCD + irritable bowel syndrome) (n = 36), biliary dyskinesia (NCD + biliary dyskinesia) (n = 11), students with NCD and without FDDS were included in the comparison group (n = 82).
Results. Almost 60,0 % patients consider non-rational nutrition as the main cause of their disease and 1/3 - chronic psycho-emotional stress. The significant relationship was established in the development of FDDS and the next trigger factors: avail¬ability of chronic emotional stress (71,9 %, p = 0,012), poor nutrition (78,1 %, p = 0,031), poor intake of the drinking water (50 %, p < 0,001), fresh fruits and vegetables (30,2 %, p = 0,014), presence of food poisonings in the medical history (51 %, p = 0,004) and food allergies (25 %, p = 0,008), use of drugs (mostly - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) (43,8 %, p = 0,002).
Conclusions. Almost 60 % of the surveyed persons of the organized student population expressed signs of NCD. The FDDS were diagnosed in more than half of patients with NCD. The main trigger factors of FDDS in patients with NCD were use of alcoholic beverages, long intervals between meals, lack of using the drinking water, food poisonings and the presence of food allergy in the medical history, use of drugs (especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Key words: functional disorders, population of students, lifestyle, risk factors, prevention