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Andrushchenko T. A., Basanets A. V.

Production factors of chemical and physical etiology in modern coal industry in ukraine: their impact on development of work-related pathology. Presentation 1st

SI "Institute for Occupational Health of the NAMS of Ukraine", Kyiv

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Introduction. Analysis of the literature data showed that in the process of coal production a large number of production factors of physical and chemical origin affects the state of heath of workers, which can cause susceptibility to developing occupational pathology.

Purpose of the study. To analyze and summarize the literature data on main work factors of chemical and physical etiology of natural and technogenic origin.

Materials and methods. An analytical review of scientific publications has been made with the use of databases of scientific libraries and the textual database of medical and biological publications in Pub Med.

Results. Chemical and physical factors at work places in coal mining industry have been analyzed. The problems of mechanisms of individual susceptibility and resistance of workers in coal mines to adverse and harmful factors have been discussed. Conclusion. The results of many – year studying, conducted in Ukraine and in some developed countries, confirm the growth of negative impact of unfavorable factors on the health of workers and increase the rates of work-related pathology. The search for new preventive measures by determining an individual susceptibility to developing work-related pathology in workers of coal mines in Ukraine remains to be of extreme importance.

Key words: coal industry, chemical production factors, physical production factors, individual susceptibility


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