Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
Introduction. Nowadays, a major factor in the potential risk to public and worker’s health is the increase of chemical plant protection products application, the assortment and application rates of which are increasing annually. However, the refusal of pesticide use in agriculture in the coming years is likely impossible.
The purpose of the work was to predict the possibility of acute toxic effects on agricultural workers in their work with formulations, based on active substances – inducers of monooxygenase system of the liver.
Materials and methods. In order to assess the selectivity of the effect of isopyrazam, penthiopyrade, sedaxane and fluxpyroxade on the worker’s body, there have been calculated their coefficients of inhalation poisoning (CIP), coefficients of the selective action of the pesticide in inhalation (CASinh.) and in dermal exposures (CASderm.), with account of physical and chemical properties and application rates of active substances.
Results. By the magnitude of the pressure of the saturated vapor, all studied compounds are low volatile. The CIP values of the investigated fungicides show low probability of acute inhalation poisoning in using formulations, based on them. The CASinh. and CASderm. CASinh. for all examined acting substances made more than 100, thus showing sufficiently high selectivity of their action. But it did not concern sedaxan (preparation Wisebrans), its CASinh. made 67,1, related to its high rates (0.74 кg/t) and underlines its relative selectivity.
Conclusion. The relative safety of all studied compounds in the case of their entering the body of agricultural workers through the skin or by inhalational has been proved. The exception is for sedaxan, the CASinh. value of which shows its relatively high probability of acute toxic effects when entering by respiration.
Key words: pesticides, acute poisoning, risk, agriculture
ORCID ID of the author:
Antonenko A. M. (ORCID ID 0000-0001-9665-0646)