3(27) 2011
Shvets A.1, Ivantsova G.1, Levit Yo.1, Ratsiborinskaya-Polyakova N.2
1 Research Institute of Military Medicine Problems of Armed Forces of Ukraine, Irpin
2 Armed Forces Clinical Centre of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Vinnitsa
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The program of military pilots’ psychophysiological training is offered. Psychophysiological training peculiarities of some occupationally important qualities of military pilots, depending on their age, have been considered. Its positive effect on parameters of attention, thinking and short-term memory has been established. The availability of various strategies of the information processing has been established in respect of attention training of persons younger and older than thirty years. The offered set of methodical approaches can be used for the dynamic control of the functional state of servicemen and, also, for forecasting occupational suitability for individuals, whose activity is associated with the increased danger.
Keywords: military pilots, memory, thinking, attention, psychophysiological training
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