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Prokopenko N.A.


Institute of Gerontology of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Full article (PDF), RUS

This study aimed to investigate age-related dynamics of vegetative and psycho-physiological functions and psychomotor responses and their relationships with working capacity. There were found statistically significant correlations between indices of cardiovascular and respiratory systems and motor and latent periods of sensor-motor reactions. The results obtained point to the decrease with age the speed possibilities of the motor analyzer as well as the increase in the time reaction and scatter of its values. The reliability of mental working ability examined in persons aged 60-79 years was high enough against the back­ground of the increased mean time for test task solutions and the reduced work productivity. We have revealed the great vari­ability of the study indices in the above age range. This finding is of great importance for estimation and forecasting of their professional working capacity.

Key words: functioning, psychomotor responses, psycho-physiological functions, emotional stability, professional working capacity, age-related dynamics


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