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Peculiarities of lung function disorders in coal miners

Ukrainian journal of occupational health 1 2005

Peculiarities of lung function disorders in coal miners

Basanets A.V., Ostapenko T.A.

Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Full article (PDF), RUS

The data on studies of the functional capacity of workers of coal mining main professions have been analyzed. The indices of spirometry, plethismography, DLCO have been studied depending of the length of service in underground conditions.

The dependence of changes development in spirometry indices on the length of service in underground conditions has been established. The most expressed changes were recorded in indices of FEV1, FVC, RV, TLC in coal miners suffering from COPD.

Key words: occupational diseases, lung function changes, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


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