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ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.15, No 3, 2019

Stasyshyn R.O. 1, Kalnysh V.V. 1, Oliskevych M.O. 2


1 SI” Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv

2 Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Lviv

Full article (PDF), RUS

Introduction. Recently, a great attention of researchers has been attracted to the assessment of risks of the damage in the health of employees and to the success of their occupational activity by the hygienic criteria. Therefore, it makes sense to pay special attention to the level of inadequacy of the existing combination of professionally important qualities of employees and develop a universal approach to assessing the risk of impairment of their psycho-physiological qualities.

Purpose of the study - identifying peculiarities of transformation of the risk of reducing the adequacy of actions of workers with the improvement of the level of their professionally important qualities and formation, on this basis, of psycho-physiological methods for identifying the critical values of increasing the risk.

Materials and methods of studies. In order to determine psycho-physiological and emotional status of workers of mobile teams of electrical networks, two sets of methodical techniques were used.

Psycho-physiological qualities were assessed on the contingent of mechanics of the mobile teams of electric networks of different age (466 persons).The assessment of the emotional status of workers of the operational mobile teams (93 individuals) was made using a SOPAS-8 questionnaire. The materials of psycho-physiological examinations were analyzed on the basis of methods of variation statistics, multivariate disperse analysis and regression models of the binary choice.

Results. The approaches are grounded and principles of using the universal risk assessment of the deviation of professionally important qualities of specialists who work in conditions with the increased danger have been developed. Algorithms for determining the risk of deviation of these qualities have been developed and used.

Critical values of risks are calculated, which allow to identify the mechanics of the operational mobile teams of electric network as conditionally suitable to perform their professional duties. The percentage of people have been assessed who, according to their abnormal psycho-physiological status (21.0%) and emotional state (16.1%), have critical deviations in the functional state. It is recommended to conduct periodic assessments of the risk of deviation of professionally important qualities in mechanics of operational teams of electric networks.

Conclusions. Principles are formulated and approaches are developed for assessing the professional fitness of individuals who work in conditions with the increased danger, based on the possibility to use a universal risk scale for determination of the deviation in the combination of psycho-physiological parameters and characteristics of the emotional state depending on levels of super-systemic indicators of conditions that can be considered as a norm. There have been developed algorithms for individual comprehensive assessment of the psycho-physiological status and emotional state of mechanics of operational teams of electrical networks for determination of the risk of availability of significant deviations of these estimates from the "normative" values. The structure of deviations of the psycho-physiological status and emotional state of workers is presented, and a group of persons with abnormal values of the corresponding risks has been distinguished. Also, the attention is paid to the need for periodic assessment of the psycho-physiological status and emotional state of workers for reducing losses or in order to avoid the consequences of inefficient work of mechanics and to reduce damage to their health.

Key words: professionally important qualities, emotional state, risk, mechanics of operative mobile teams of electric network, occupational fitness.


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ORCID ID of authors and their contribution to the preparation and writing of the article:
Stasyshyn RO (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9186-1556) - task formulation, collection of materials for determining emotional state, statistical analysis of materials, formulation of conclusions;
Kalnysh VV (ORCID ID 0000-0002-5033-6659) - definition of evaluation paths;
Oliskevich MO (ORCID ID 0000-0003-1264-1684) - development of methodological approaches for the construction of mathematical models and solving rules.