Varyvoncnyk D.V.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine», Kiev, Ukraine
Full article (PDF), UKR
The studies showed that the existing sanitary and epidemiological monitoring of carcinogenic agents at the level of district Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations (SES) does not correspond to real demands of the industry development and to the level of the technogenic pollution of the environment as well as does not provide, to full extent, for efficient control of work conditions in productions, being dangerous from the point of view of cancer development.Nowadays, the sanitary and hygienic monitoring in Ukraine is conducted in respect of only limited list of cancer agents, mostly chemicals. The structure of such monitoring does not provide for the specificity of the industry development in the country regions and for the standards of hygienic monitoring of cancer agents, as it takes place in EC countries (by the data of CAREX system).
Key words: carcinogenic agents, sanitary and hygienic monitoring, Ukraine
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