ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.15, No 2, 2019
Kopach E.D.,1, Varyvonchyk D.V.1, 2
1 State Institution “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv
2 National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education named after P.L. Shupik, Kyiv
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Introduction. The dental service is one of the most numerous in the number of people working in the field of health care. Its employees are affected by a combination of harmful production factors, which can produce high risks of developing work-related and occupational diseases. There is a need to unify a program of preventive medical examinations of workers, taking into account risk factors, which is based on current evidence from screening and early diagnostics of diseases.
The purpose of the study is to unify a program of the secondary prevention of work-related and occupational diseases for workers of the dental service.
Materials and methods. An analytical study was conducted, in which integration and unification of programs on medical examinations of workers was carried out (by 47 factors of occupational risk occurrence of 55 nosologies of work-related and occupational diseases).
Results. The unified program of the secondary prevention of work-related and occupational diseases, by conducting medical examinations of dental service workers has been scientifically grounded. The program is based on an organizational algorithm and on a modern evidence base for identification of human pathological states. The program includes three stages: (1) screening – definition of specific complaints and clinical symptoms of diseases among employees without obvious signs of pathology; (2) early diagnostics - determining specific complaints and clinical signs of diseases in workers with specific signs of diseases; 3) differential diagnostics - referral of workers with clinical, laboratory and morphofunctional changes, identified at the time of medical examination, to relevant specialized departments/centers and to specialist doctors.
Conclusion. A widespread introduction of the unified program on medical preventive examinations of dental service workers will be able to increase the effectiveness of the secondary prevention measures of work-related and occupational diseases.
Key words: medical examinations, workers, dental service
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ORCID ID of authors and their contribution to writing the paper:
Kopach K.D. (orcid 0000-0002-6771-4556): collection and analytical processing of the evidenced base, grounding the program of the secondary prevention, development of the organizational algorithm, writing the paper.
Varyvonchyk D.V. (orcid 0000-0003-2107-6269): development of the concept and methodology of the study, conducting the analytical study, unification of the program of the secondary prevention, writing the paper.