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3(15) '2008

Nazarenko V.I.1, Moiseenko E.V.2


1Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv

2National Antarctic Scientific Center of MES of Ukraine, Kyiv

Full article (PDF), UKR

Sanitary-hygienic studies of work and life conditions of winterers at Ukrainian Antarctic Station Academician Vernadsky (Lat. 65°15'S, Long 64° 16'W) were carried out. It is established that the greatest exceeding of the threshold limit values (TLVs) of the factor by the criteria of Hygienic Classification of Labour № 4137 — 86 is the low atmospheric air temperature; the intensity of work does not meet requirements of the sanitary norms (caused by an individual risk) for works outside the territory of the station as well as the energy load of electromagnetic radiation of 150 МГц in works with portable radiotrans-mitters. Levels of work-related factors at the majority of workplaces in premises of the station meet the requirements of the sanitary norms, adopted in Ukraine; except for workplaces of diesel operators (noise, number of inclinations of the body with¬in a shift), mechanics (noise, microclimate in some premises), electrician (noise), cook (infra-red radiation, body inclina¬tions). The main source of the tonal noise of 80 Hz at the station is a flatus tube of diesel generators Д100В «VOLVO». Noise levels in living rooms exceed the permissible level by 5—18 dBA, according to the Sanitary Norms № 3077—84. With wind speed more than 10 m/s the infrasound with levels 78—82 dB Lin in the range of 1 — 16 Hz can be recorded in living premis¬es. In order to specify health risks for winterers it is necessary to develop methods of physiological-hygienic assessment of such specific factors affecting man in Antarctic conditions, which are not included in the Hygienic Classification on Labour as: fast changes of the atmospheric pressure and partial content of oxygen in indoor and outdoor, solar ultraviolet radiation and periodical occurrence of the ozone «hole», as well as changes in directions of the Earth magnetic fields.

Key words: sanitary-hygienic conditions, Academician Vernadsky Antarctic Station, life-supporting systems, work-related factors, threshold limit values (TLVs)


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