Soloviov A.I., Nazarenko V.l.
State Enterprise «Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Ecological problems of Donbass and Coal Industry», Donetsk
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
Full article (PDF), RUS
Complex examinations of infrasound, noise, whole-body and hand-arm vibrations affecting miners of Donbass were carried out. It is stated that the most unfavourable working conditions by vibration-acoustic factors are formed at clearing works. In this equivalent levels of sound and levels of sound pressure on workplaces correspond to 1 — 3 degrees of the 3rd class in the Hygienic Classification of Labour TH 3.3.5—3.3.8; 6.6.1-083-2001 and the equivalent corrected levels of hand arm vibration meet, mainly, to the 3 — 4 degrees of the 3rd class (harmful conditions). Systems of mine ventilation, underground mine transport, selected mining equipments is the main source of the background infrasound in coal mines with its levels of 98 — 102 dB Lin, on the average. It was revealed that the threshold of exposure dose of infrasound before development of specific complaints related to occupational effect on coal miners comprised 112 dB Lineq . The calculated value of the permissible general level of infrasound pressure at workplaces was recommended as 98 dB Lin. In the light of the obtained data the exist-ing permissible level of industrial infrasound (1 lOdB Lin) in Ukraine requires further improvement.
Key words: working conditions of coal miners, vibration-acoustic factors, infrasound, noise, vibration, safe exposure levels
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