ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.16, No 3, 2020
State of occupational traumatism in Ukraine in the dynamics of observation for 2013–2018
Nahorna A. M.1, Savenkova N. V.2, Kononova I. G.1, Sokolova M. P.1
1) SI “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv
2) State Labour Service of Ukraine, Kyiv
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Introduction. About two million people die each year from work-related causes. The total number of accidents in production (both fatal and non-fatal) is estimated at 270 million per year in the world.
Most deaths, accidents at work and occupational diseases can be prevented. The ILO estimates that about 2.3 million men and women die each year as a result of accidents at work or work-related illnesses - on average of 6,000 people daily. More than 340 million industrial accidents are reported worldwide each year.
In Ukraine, there has been a gradual decline in occupational morbidity in recent years, but an in-depth analysis of the data shows that statistics do not fully reveal the complexity of the current situation regarding the occurence of the number of injuries at work and the quality of their accounting and registration.
The purpose of the study is to reveal the regularity in formation of indicators of occupational traumatism for 2013-2018 in Ukraine.
Materials and methods of the study. The analysis of occupational traumatism in the dynamics of monitoring for 2013-2018 by types of economic activity, occupations, causes, was made using the data of the State Statistics Service and the State Labor Service of Ukraine, and ways to improve the accounting and registration of injuries has been outlined.
Results and discussion. Injuries, poisonings and some other consequences of the effect of external causes in the structure of the prevalence of diseases among the population of the working age are equal to 3.3%.
From 2015 to 2018, the number of accidents in production, registered and recognized as insured events, decreased from 4,260 to 4,126 (by 3.1%), and the number of the fatal injured increased from 375 to 409 persons (by 7.6%). 56.7% of the total number of the injured persons have delayed effects. In traumatism, the number of days of disability per an injured person amounts 55.4 days.
Over 2016-2017, the security situation in Ukraine became better, there were fewer cases of occupational traumatism, including deaths.
The analysis of the causes of fatal accidents in 2018 shows that 74.0% of the total number of deaths from fatal accidents related to production died due to organizational reasons, because of technical reasons died 14.0%, due to psychophysiological reasons - 12.0%.
- According to the State Statistics Committee and the State Labor Service, the situation with the safety at work in Ukraine has been improving in recent years, and fewer cases of occupational injuries, including deaths, are registered. But statistical indicators do not fully reveal the complexity of the current situation regarding the number of injuries at work and the quality of their accounting and registration.
- The distribution by branches of industry: of the total number of injured, the first place is taken by workers in the socio-cultural sphere and trade; the second – those in the coal industry; the third - in the agro-industrial complex; the fourth - in mechanical engineering - in the metallurgical industry; the fifth - in construction and building materials industry. A significant traumatic factor in mines is acute heart failure. From 2015 to 2018, 120 accidents of natural death were registered at workplace and after leaving the mine, which depends on the untimely detection of diseases of the circulatory system in miners during medical examinations, lack of pre-shift control when descending into the mine, and lack of opportunities of providing medical care during the shift. For all areas of supervision over the last 4 years, natural death accidents at workplace made 2815.
- Among professions with the largest number of fatally injured at work were: transport workers (drivers, tractor drivers), builders (installers, welders, helpers); electricians, workers of the agro-industrial complex, miners.The ratio of fatal accidents to the total number of the registered accidents is 1 to 10, on average, which indicates the concealment of accidents, shortcomings in the quality of special investigations.
Key words: occupational traumatism, health of workers, bramches of industry, economic costs, occupational safety.
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