ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.16, No 1, 2020
Substantiation of the tentative safe exposure level of fungicide propiconazole in the air of the working zone
Yastrub T.A., Kovalenko V.F., Dontsova D.A.
State Institution “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv
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Introduction. Propiconazole is a systemic triazole fungicide widely used in agriculture against many crop diseases. In Ukraine, hygienic standards for propiconazole in its use in agriculture have been developed and approved, However, for conditions of industrial production there is yet no standard for the hygienic control of propiconazole in the air of the working area.
Purpose of the study - substantiation of the tentative safe level of exposure to propiconazole in the air of the working zone in production premises.
Materials and methods. An expert-analytical study of the scientific information on toxicological properties of propiconazole is carried out, making it possible to determine parameters of toxicometry and main manifestations of harmful effect of this substance on the human body. It was used a method of rapid establishment of the hygienic standard for the pesticide for the air of the working zone.
Results. A toxicological evaluation of propiconazole allows us to conclude that the main manifestation of the toxic effect of this pesticide on the body is its hepatotropic action, developed as hepatocyte hypertrophy, impaired carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Propiconazole is a promoter of proliferative changes and causes induction of liver enzymes.
Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the data of scientific information on the toxicological properties of propiconazole, also guided by generally accepted hygienic rating of methodological approaches, the tentative safe exposure level for propiconazole for the air of the working area in production premises has been grounded: TSEL = 1,0 мг/м³ (aerosol + vapors). The compliance with the hygienic standard on the content of propiconazole in the air of the working zone, in production of pesticide formulations on its base, will promote maintaining the workers’ health.
Key words: pesticide propiconazole, toxicological characteristics, tentative safe exposure level, air of working zone
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