4(41) 2014
Karlova O. A., Yavorovsky O. P.
O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
Full article (PDF), UKR
The purpose of the study — evaluation of working conditions and professional risk to health of electrical engineers of the company «Cable Network» in terms of: hazards and risks in the work environment, severity and intensity of work, and lead blood levels (BLLs) in workers.
Materials and methods. Sanitary-hygienic, instrumental and laboratory, tests of production factors at workplaces of electricians of the company «Cable Network». Chemical-analytical methods of research on Pb-K.
Results. The leading negative factors at electricians’ workplaces are: harmful substances (lead), unfavorable working microclimate, and hard physical work and stressful character of the work. The concentration of lead in the air of the working zone exceeds the limit values in 1,4 —1,8 times, the intensity of the thermal radiation is higher of limit values in 1.6 times, the air temperature in warm periods of the year is higher of limit values at 2—7 °C, and in cold periods is lower on 2—7 °C, respectively. The weight of cargo, which the workers lift and move, exceeds 37 kg, and their periodical standing in uncomfortable position or fixed «standing» position exceeds 50 % of the working time. All these factors characterize working conditions as harmful of 3.2 degree, in accordance with the criteria of hygienic assessment of working conditions.
Conclusions. The general hygienic evaluation of working conditions of electricians allows to relate these conditions to Class 3.2 degree in terms of the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area, the working environment, as well as the severity and intensity of work. The evaluation of occupational risk of working conditions determines the physical overload of the group suspected occupational risk, as the 3.2 (average risk). The data of biomonitoring in terms of BLLs have established the leading role of lead in formation the occupational risk, whose action in combination with other harmful industrial factors is a higher risk to the health of workers.
Key words: working conditions, production factors, occupational risk, lead
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