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4(41) 2014

Dvornichenko G.B., Yaschenko A.B., Grinjuk S.V., Bazovkin P.S., Vaschenko D.A.


Ukrainian Research Institute of industrial medicine, the city of Kryvyi Rih

Full article (PDF), UKR

Introduction. Since the development of vibration disease from exposure to whole-body vibration has its pathogenetic and clinical features, so this phenomenon requires detailed study, namely the determination of the incidence, morbidity structure, features of the pathogenesis, clinical leaks. These data can be used as a basis for developing further measures to prevent the occurrence of illness and treatment of the disease that has already occurred, with all the pathogenetic and clinical subtleties. Purpose of the study. Evaluation of the risk patterns and clinical manifestations in patients with vibration disease from exposure to whole-body vibration, including vascular disorders, and also identification of the most dangerous professions for the development of this pathology among employees of enterprises with open method of mining.
Materials and methods. In the research sample were included patients with vibration disease from whole-body vibration in the post-exposure period, which were engaged in mining ore open pit (496 patients). From the study were excluded patients with diabetes, rheumatism, various etiologies of vasculitis, blood diseases and malignant neoplasms. To control group were selected patients with vibration disease without vascular disorders that have age and experience installing vibration disease, which is statistically indistinguishable.
Results. Based on analysis of 496 medical records of patients with vibration disease from exposure to whole-body vibration found that in the post-exposure period among patients prevail cases with vascular disorders: in total 320 patients. The prob-ability of vascular disorders in patients with vibration disease (absolute risk) is 0,65. The relative risk of vascular disorders in patients with vibration disease is 2,95. Etiological particle of vibration in their development is 66 %. The prevalence of cerebrovascular diseases among patients with vibration disease is 44,6 per 1,000. Prevalence of vascular disorders among this group of patients is 650 cases in 1000. Established that vascular disorders are the leading clinical syndrome in patients with vibration disease from exposure to whole-body vibration. Excavator drivers and drivers of bulldozers are exposed the highest risk of developing vascular disorders among workers which were engaged in mining ore open pit.
Conclusion. In such professions as drillers, excavator drivers, locomotive drivers cerebrovascular disorders are leading clinical syndrome. Thus the main feature of effect of whole-body vibration is the high risk of developing of vascular disorders. The high level of risk and statistical analysis of various vascular disorders in patients with vibration disease in such professions as drillers, drivers of bulldozers and excavators admit to include vascular disorders to occupational diseases. The level of risk of vascular disorders in such profession as heavy vehicles drivers admit to include vascular disorders to industrial conditioned diseases.

Key words: vibration disease, whole-body vibration, vascular disorders, cerebrovascular disorders, mining ore open pit


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