Kalchenko А. М., Varyvonchyk D. V.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev
The role of hygienic work conditions has been studied insufficiently in respect of developing risk of HIV infection at work-place, showing the actuality of conducting this study.
Purpose — to define the role of hygienic work conditions in developing risk of occupational HIV infection in medical workers.
Materials. 981medical workers were examined (in stationary departments of surgery, phthysiology, threapy). The prevalence of accidents at workplace, provoking HIV infection (per 1 thousand conducted manipulations), was studied, depending on hygienic conditions and work processes (chemical, biological, physical factors of the work environment, heaviness and strain of the work process). The frequency of such accidents in respect of the year, week and time of the day was analyzed.
Results. The results obtained show that the prevalence of work-related accidents, contributing to the danger of occupational HIV infection, is the highest for the following hygienic factors of the work environment (multiplicity of the increase of the frequency of accidents for 3.1 and 3.2 Classes of work conditions, in relation to workers of the 2nd Class): (I) emotional load (by 25,0 and 30,0 times); (II) lighting (28,0); (III) work schedule (14,0; 27,0); (IV) mental load (8,0; 25,0); (V) monotonicity of loads (19,0). It was found that the mentioned unfavorable work conditions can cause changes in the behavior and decrease the self-control over personal actions in workers, decrease work ability, cause fatigue, worsen accuracy of movements. The above-mentioned enables to develop preventive measures for improving work conditions and to decrease the risk of occupational HIV infection at workplace in medical workers.
Keywords: health system, accidents at workplace, occupational risk of HIV infection