Kalnysh V. V.1, Krasotin Ye. V.2, Pyshnov G. YU.1
1SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
2Ukrainian Military-Medical Academy, Kyiv
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Introduction. Investigations, directed at studying mechanisms of provision of high reliability of operators, especially in professions of monotonous types of activity, are rather actual for occupational medicine at the modern stage of production development.
Purpose. To reveal peculiarities of development of the monotone state at the its initial stage, based on studying the dynamic change regularities in the functional state of the CNS.
Materials and methods. A group of volunteers (22,0 ± 1,1, age, 43 persons) were included in the study. An information monotone load of 60 min duration, using a special computer test and the so-called effect of Strup interference for defining psycho-physiological characteristics by indices of the functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNP) under the effect of visual signals were proposed for the subjects. The lability of the nervous processes was defined by indices of the critical frequency of light flickers of red (CFLF^) and green (CFLF(gl)) colors.
Results. After a univariate disperse analysis a significant effect of the time factor on the subject’s reaction was found, and the process itself in development of the monotone state was not linear. Two groups of subjects were chosen, depending on their relation to the proposed tasks - inclined and not inclined to monotony. In this, the level of nervous system activation in the latter was constantly increased, in spite of the effect of factors of the monotone work, accompanied by hypodynamia. It is supposed the presence of absolutely different mechanisms of speed regulation of the processes occurred in representatives of the studied groups. There is an assumption on the potentially higher reserve abilities of the body in persons not inclined to monotony, having higher level of labile manifestation of nervous processes after an hour load and functional motility of nervous processes.
Conclusion. 1. An hour dynamics of the psychophysiological response to a monotone load differed by a phase-like character, and in this, the initial reactions of subjects, inclined to monotony, were nearer to 1,2 sec, whereas the same reactions in subjects, not inclined to monotony, reached 1,7 sec. This is probably can be explained by different levels of activation and by other fundamental speed characteristics in subjects, belonging to different groups by the parameter of the inclination to monotony. 2. Using the developed test there have been distinguished persons, inclined and not inclined to monotone activity.
3. Persons, stable to monotony, are differed by level of development of their individual-typological qualities and are characterized by more strong, mobile and labile nervous processes in comparison with those, inclined to monotony development.
Key words: operator’s activity, monotony, functional state
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