1(29) 2012
DOI xxxxxxxx
Moszkowskiy V. E.1, Demetska O. V.1, Salnikova N. A.1, Kashanskiy S. V.2
1SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
2FBUN «Yekatirenburg Medical Scientific Centre on Prophylaxis and Health of works at industrial enterprises», Yekatirenburg, Russian Federation
Full article (PDF), UKR
Currently in Ukraine the evaluation of dusty workplaces at enterprises using asbestos is based on the weighted method (depending on the content of asbestos, PLC is 2 mg/m3 —10 mg/m3), whereas in the countries of European Union it is based on counting the number of asbestos fibers. As the hygienic standard for chrysotile-asbestos for the working zone air proposed PLC - 0.6 f/ml.
Key words: chrysotile-asbestos, regulation, working zone air
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