Andrusyshyna I., Golub I., Lampeka E.
SI "Institute for Occupational Health NAMN", Kyiv
Introduction. A multielement analyis of biological fluids is one of factors of mass screening and control of environmental factors’ effect on the human body and animals. At present, specialists of all over the world understand that reference meanings as well as the concept "norm" are not a constant value due to heterogeneity of geochemical conditions of habitation. The use of different analytical methods in definition of chemical elements resulted in significant controversies in interpretation of a physiological “norm” in human biological media.
Purpose of the study. To give an ecological-hygienic assessment of heavy metals’ effect on formation of optimal levels in their content in biological media.
Materials and methods. The content of heavy metals was defined in subjects of the environment (atmospheric air, drinking water, food products) and in biological media of individuals-volunteers (hair, general blood, blood serum). In order to define heavy metals in samples an atomic emission spectrometry with inductively connected plasma was used and a method of mathematic statistics.
Results. The obtained results do not leave any doubts on the availability of a tight connection between chemical composition of the air, drinking water, food products in formation of optimum levels in the content of macro- and microelements in human biological media. In order to reveal a risk of imbalance development in macro- and microelements in the human body it is necessary to conduct a multielement analysis both at individual and population level.
Key words: heavy metals, reference meanings, macro- and microelements, biological media
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