Scientific and practical journal for hygienists, physiologists, toxicologists and occupational physicians
Founded in April 2005
Kundiev Y.I., Nahorna A.M, Dobrovolsky L.O.
Comparative characteristics of the state of occupational morbidity in Ukraine and in the world , UKR, pp. 3-11
Sanitary and hygienic monitoring of carcinogenic agents in Ukraine: state and perspectives for improvement , UKR, pp. 12-20
Perederiy G.S., Ponomarenko A.N., Shemyakin G.M., Vetrov S.Ph.
Occupational risks of industrial dust influence on coalminers in faces of coal miners , UKR, pp. 21-30
Biological age of workers exposed to harmful factors of a modern metallurgical enterprise , UKR, pp. 31-35
To the problem of determination of effects of biological interaction of the magnetic field 50 Hz, noise and high temperature , UKR, pp. 36-42
Method for determination of the correspondence of human psychophysiological abilities to operator's work , UKR, pp. 43-50
Kalnysh V., Pyshnov G., Doroshenko M., Shvez A., Apykhtin K., Kudiyevsky Ya.
Psychophysiological characteristics of reliability of operators' activity in different functional states , UKR, pp. 51-58
Basanets A.V., Varyvonchyk D.V, Yermakova O.V.
Sanitary-hygienic characteristics of work conditions in coal mine industry. Analysis of problems and ways of their solving , UKR, pp. 73-79