Scientific and practical journal for hygienists, physiologists, toxicologists and occupational physicians. Founded in April 2005.
Dvornichenko G. B., Yaschenko A. B., Grynjuk S. V., Bazovkin P. S., Matviychuk T. D.
Epidemiological aspects of cerebrovascular diseases in miners with vibration disease due to action of the general vibration, UKR, pp. 6-12
Basanets A. V., Ostapenko T. A., Cherkesov V. V., Fartushna O. Y.
Sudden cardiac death at workplace, ENG, pp. 13-20
Role of preventive medical examinations for early detection and prevention of occupational diseases in workers at enterprises in Kyiv, UKR, pp. 21-28
Kalnysh V. V., Krasotin Ye.V., Pyshnov G. Yu.
To the analysis of peculiarities on providing working capacity in monotone operator's activity, RUS, pp. 29-40
Nazarenko V. I., Tereshchenko P. S., Paliychuk S. P., Nykyforuk A. I., Chui T. S.
Physiological and hygienic assessment of microclimate in modernn offices and body adaptive reactions in office workers, UKR, pp. 41-47
Kulakivska O. H., Kravchuk V. V.
Peculiarities of the effect of occupational loads on psycho-physiological state of flight personnel, UKR, pp. 48-54
Investigation of endogenous intoxication in patients exposed to lead, UKR, pp. 63-72
Antropov K. D., Vavrinevych O. P, Girenko T. V.
Hygienic estimation of Talendo Extra, E. C. fungicide application technology in vineyard, UKR, pp. 73-78
Prevention of deviations in functional health indicators in persons of the organized student population, UKR, pp. 79-84