Scientific and practical journal for hygienists, physiologists, toxicologists and occupational physicians
Founded in April 2005
Kovalchuk T A., Dvornichenko G, B., Vaschenko A.B., Zhaldachenko V.P., Bazovkin P.S„ Vaschenko D, A.
Evaluation of level of whole body vibration at enterprises, engaged in open pit mining, UKR, pp. 3-8
Moskalenko V., Pelyo I., Omelchuk S., Bardov V., Sasinovich L.
Hygienic assessment of work conditions in application of tank pesticide mixtures in olericulture, UKR, pp. 9-24
Yavorovsky A. P., Shevtsova V. M., Sova S.G.
Characteristics of burden and intensity of work in assembly and riveting works at aircraft enterprises, UKR, pp. 25-33
Kolodyazhna O. I., Nahorna A.M.
Methodological bases for definition of economic losses from occupational diseases in the population of Ukraine, ENG, pp. 34-41
Yastrub T.A., Kirsenko V.V., Vakal S.V., Korshun M.M.
The problem of heavy metals in the production and use of phosphorous mineral fertilizers (taking cadmium, lead, arsenic, as an example), UKR, pp. 42-49
Kalchenko A.M., Varyvonchyk D.V.
The role of hygienic work conditions in developing risk of occupational HIV infection in medical workers, UKR, pp. 50-56
Shafran L.M., Chumayeva V.V., Ogulenko A.P., Stadnik A.L.
Psychophysiological peculiarities of the structure of important professional qualities in operators of AES, RUS, pp. 57-65
Varyvonchyk D.V., Shevchenko V.I.
Cancer hazard and morbidity of workers of the health care system, UKR, pp. 66-77