Scientific and practical journal for hygienists, physiologists, toxicologists and occupational physicians. Founded in April 2005.
Hryhorczuk D. O., Kozyckyj T., Iwanik K. N.. Edison M., Dardynsky O., Dardynskaia I.
An International Research Consortium on Energy Security and Health Protection in Ukraine: the U. S. Perspective, ENG, pp. 3-9
Nahorna A. M, Kononova I. G., Grechkovskaya N. V.
Modern state and ways of impoving organization and control of medical examinations of workers involved in harmful and dangerous conditions, UKR, pp. 10-19
Kharkivska S. V., Varyvonchyk D. V.
Work conditions and risks of occurrence of pathology in workers of mining-concentration plants in manganese-ore industry, UKR, pp. 20-28
Physiologo-hygienic peculiarities of seamen's occupation al activity on the specialized fleet, RUS, pp. 29-39
Shvets A. V., Lukyanchuk I. A.
Psychophysiological features of reliability forecasting for steering sailor occupational activity using the reaction on the moving object, UKR, pp. 40-48
Basanets A. V., Yermakova O. V., Makarenkova A. A., Makarenkov A. P.
Acoustic method for monitoring the state of the bronchopulmonary system in patients with occupational diseases, RUS, pp. 49-57
Shpak B. I., Lipavska A. O., Bardov V. G.
Hygienic aspects of use of new combined means for cereals seed treatment, UKR, pp. 58-63
Safety evaluation of the biological insecticide «Helikoveks, SC» based on helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HeartNPV), UKR, pp. 64-72
Problems of occupational health and occupational pathology in conventions and recommendations the International Labour Organization, UKR, pp. 73-82