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Scientific and practical journal for hygienists, physiologists, toxicologists and occupational physicians

Founded in April 2005




Nahorna A. M., Sokolova M. P., Коnonova I. G. 

Morbidity of tuberculosis of occupational genesis in Ukraine in 2013–2017, UKR, pp. 3-15

Vangelova K., Cekova I., Dimitrova I.

Sleep and fatigue in hospital physicians in relation to shift work , ENG, pp. 16-21

Kalnysh V. V., Shvets A. V., Gorolyuk D. O.

Clinical and functional features of health recovery in persons with consequences  of traumatic brain injuries after staying in the combat zone by indices of a stabilographic study , UKR, pp. 22-33

Varyvonchyk D. V., Коpach К. D., Demetska А. V., Аndrusyshyna I. М.,  Моvchan В. О., Bezverbnyi P. S., Edzhybiya А. М.

Development of a combination of hygienic measures for prevention of harmful  effect of nano- and low dispersed aerosols on workers of the dental service , UKR, pp. 34-42

ShydlovskaТ. А., Petruk L. G.

Indicators of otoacoustic emission on frequency of products of distortions  in persons, which have got acoustic trauma in the zone of  anti-terroristic operation, with different degree of disorders in the hearing  function , UKR, pp. 43-54

Lugovskiy S. P., Demetska O. V., Didenko М. M., Меlnyk N. А.,  Моvchan V. O., Аndrusyshyna I. M., Skoryk М. А.

Regularities of emissions of weighed air particles on main steps of the experimental model of lead recuperation , UKR, pp. 55-63

Lashko О. М.

Work conditions of miners of main occupations of coal mines in Ukraine , UKR, pp. 64-71

Zaitsev D. V., Yeschenko O. I., Vasylyuk-Zaytseva S. V.

Occupational health in using a volumetric pneumopressing method , UKR, pp. 72-79