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Scientific and practical journal for hygienists, physiologists, toxicologists and occupational physicians

Founded in April 2005

DOI 10.33573




Kundiev Yu.l, Varyvonchyk O.V., Nahoma A.M., Rykov S.O., Obukhova N.A, Basanets A.V., Kharchenko T.D.

State and improvement of the system for preventing HIV/AIDS infection in workers of health establishments of Ukraine , UKR, pp. 3-15


Yavorovsky O.P., Zenkina V.I., Paustovsky Yu.O.

Hygienic peculiarities of a surgeon's work conditions in a clinical hospital , UKR, pp. 16-22


Ponomarenko A.N., Perederiy G.S., Mukhin V.V.

Improvement of approaches to hygienic assessment of effect of working conditions on coalminers' health basing on the concept of «acceptable risk» , UKR, pp. 23-31


Kononova I.G.

Actual problems of sanitary and epidemiological supervisions at machine-building enterprises , UKR, pp. 32-37


Diordichuk T.l.

Actuality of introduction of standards of OHSAS1800 serie for imrovment of work conditions and prevention of morbidity at motor transport enterprises , RUS, pp. 38-43


Vavrinevich E.P., Omelchuk S.T., Bardov V.G., Girenko T.V.

Hygienic grounding of regulations for safe application of pyrimethanil fungicides in Ukraine , UKR, pp. 44-51

Dmytrukha N.M.

Effect of quercetin and glutargin on peripheral blood and nonspecific resistance in rats exposed to cadmium , UKR, pp. 52-57


Chudnovets A.Y.

Hygienic characteristics of microfungi in industrial environment of fodder enterprises , RUS, pp. 58-65


Nazarenko V.I.

To the question of biological reception mechanisms of magnetic field 50 Hz , UKR, pp. 66-69


Zhurakhivska N.V., Ostapenko T.A., Basanets A.V.

Analysis of association between familial aggregation of nonspecific pulmonary disease and risk of development of pulmonary pathology from the exposition to chrysotile asbestos dust , UKR, pp. 70-74




Kalnysh V.V.

Actual approaches to analysis of the reability of operator's activity , RUS, pp. 75-85