Scientific and practical journal for hygienists, physiologists, toxicologists and occupational physicians
Founded in April 2005
DOI 10.33573
State and improvement of the system for preventing HIV/AIDS infection in workers of health establishments of Ukraine , UKR, pp. 3-15
Yavorovsky O.P., Zenkina V.I., Paustovsky Yu.O.
Hygienic peculiarities of a surgeon's work conditions in a clinical hospital , UKR, pp. 16-22
Ponomarenko A.N., Perederiy G.S., Mukhin V.V.
Improvement of approaches to hygienic assessment of effect of working conditions on coalminers' health basing on the concept of «acceptable risk» , UKR, pp. 23-31
Actual problems of sanitary and epidemiological supervisions at machine-building enterprises , UKR, pp. 32-37
Actuality of introduction of standards of OHSAS1800 serie for imrovment of work conditions and prevention of morbidity at motor transport enterprises , RUS, pp. 38-43
Vavrinevich E.P., Omelchuk S.T., Bardov V.G., Girenko T.V.
Hygienic grounding of regulations for safe application of pyrimethanil fungicides in Ukraine , UKR, pp. 44-51
Effect of quercetin and glutargin on peripheral blood and nonspecific resistance in rats exposed to cadmium , UKR, pp. 52-57
Hygienic characteristics of microfungi in industrial environment of fodder enterprises , RUS, pp. 58-65
To the question of biological reception mechanisms of magnetic field 50 Hz , UKR, pp. 66-69
Zhurakhivska N.V., Ostapenko T.A., Basanets A.V.
Actual approaches to analysis of the reability of operator's activity , RUS, pp. 75-85