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Scientific and practical journal for hygienists, physiologists, toxicologists and occupational physicians

Founded in April 2005



Nahorna А. М.,  Sokolova М. P., Коnonova І. G. 
Epidemiological research of occupational health in Ukraine, UKR, pp. 3-20

Basanets А. V., Lashko О. М., Gvozdetskyi V. A.
The state of the bone tissue in miners with chronic lumbosacral radiculopathy, ENG, pp. 21-27

Andrushchenko T. A., Soloviov A. I., Martinovskaya T. Y.,  Chuy T. S., Goncharov A. E.
Hygienic assessment of the impact of working conditions at workplaces of coal and asbestos-processing industry workers, UKR, pp. 28-39

Rubtsov R. V.
Significance of some changes in indices of inflammation in  workers with combination of pneumoconiosis  and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease engaged in mining and metallurgical industry, UKR, pp. 40-47

Varyvonchyk D. V., Pyshnov G. Yu., Sterenbogen М. Yu., Міshenin А. B.,  Bezverbnyi P. S., Еdzhybiya О. М.
Scientific and educational partnership in occupational health between Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and  Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine: current state and perspectives, UKR, pp. 48-57

Каpustnyk V. А., Zavhorodniy І. V., Boеcкеlmann І.,  Litovchenko О. L., Lalymenko О. S.
Experience of international collaboration in solving actual medical and biological problems of occupational health and ecology UKR, pp. 58-67