Zharlikov V.M.1, Varyvonchyk O.V.2
1State Enterprise «Zaporizhya district hospital for river transport workers» of MH of Ukraine, Zaporizhya
2State Enterprise» Institute for Occupational Health» of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
The studies conducted showed that workers of the river transport are exposed to a combination of unfavorable work-related factors (of physical and chemical nature), that can be promoting factors in occurrence of work-related pathology of the respiratory, blood circulation, digestive, musculoskeletal, nervous systems, etc. Occupational factors and home accidents make a significant impact to the health loss. Unhealthy life style, improper medical care of workers, unfavorable work conditions, late withdrawal of workers from an occupation at earlier stages of a disease development takes significant place in formation of morbidity and disability of workers.
Key words: river transport, work conditions, health of workers, disability