Kharkivska S. V.2, Varyvonchyk D. V.1
1SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
2Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv
Introduction. The manganese-ore industry in Ukraine is one of the most powerful in the world (29% world manganese ore mining). In Ukraine, more than 10 000 workers are engaged in this industry and are at risk for their health in open casts and mines at concentration plants.
Purpose — to assess work conditions and their impact on the occurrence of pathology among workers of mining-concentration plants in the manganese-ore industry.
Materials. Work conditions of main occupational groups of two mining-concentration plants of the manganese-ore industry have been studied. There have been assessed risks of work-related pathology and levels of occupational pathology of 12800 workers.
Results. It is found that work conditions in all studied occupational groups are harmful for workers’ health. The main harmful factors at workplace are: ore-rock dust (SiO2, Mn, Fe, Ni), noise, vibration, ultraviolet radiation (natural and artificial), infra-red radiation (natural and artificial), unfavorable microclimatic conditions, intensity and strain of work. High risks of development of work-related pathology are recorded in workers. They are: nervous system, eyes, blood circulation organs, respiration organs, digestive system, muscular-skeletal system, urogenital system. The definition of occupational diseases among patients is not full. Cases of the dust bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, sensorineural hearing loss, chronic intoxications by manganese, vibration disease are recorded not often. Very often there are cases concealing occupational pathology at the expense of registration of the general pathology. There is a need to improve measures of detection, registration and accounting occupational pathology in workers.
Key words: manganese-ore industry, work conditions, occupational pathology, workers