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Biological age and chronic fatigue in telephone operators: effects of night works

ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.17, No 2, 2021

Biological age and chronic fatigue in telephone operators: effects of night works

Bobko N.A., Martynovskaya T.Yu., Gadayeva D.A.

State Institution “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

Full article (PDF), ENG

Introduction. Working at computer monitors under high information and sensory loads against hypodynamia is a factor of the development of the chronic fatigue (CF), which increases under shift work, especially – under night shifts. A kind of integral indicator of the body functional state of a human could be her/his biological age (BA).

The aim of the study is to reveal the relationship between BA and CF in telephone operators working under shift schedule with night shifts and without night shifts, and the reflection of these characteristics in parameters of body functioning.

Materials and research methods. 59 women (30-55 years old, M±m: 40.7±0.9), who worked according to schedules with night shifts, and 43 women (31-52 years old, M±m: 42.4±0.8) - without night shifts. The BA was studied according to V.P. Voitenko, the CF – according to A.B. Leonova and I.V. Shishkina. Measured: arterial blood pressure, systolic and diastolic (BPS, BPD), heart rate (HR), static balancing (SB), body weight, a questionnaire was conducted. Hemodynamic indices, self-assessment health index (SHI), pathological index (PI), BA, proper biological age (PBA), aging rate (AR) and chronic fatigue index (CFI) were calculated. The duration of the needed sleep per day was recorded. The data were processed at p<0.05.

Research results. The BA of telephone operators working on the schedules with night shifts was 41.7±1.0 years, PBA = 40.9±0.5 years, AR = 0.7±1.1 years. The BA of telephone operators working on the schedules without night shifts was 42.8±1.3 years, PBA = 41.9±0.5 years, AR = 0.9±1.2 years. SHI = 12.2±0.7 and 12.6±0.8 (c.u.) for telephone operators of the first and second groups, respectively, PI = 1.04±0.04 and 1.08±0.05 (c.u.), SB = 25.8±2.3 and 22.3±2.5 (s). BPS, BPD and HR were 126.2±2.0 / 78.8±1.6 and 127.4±2.2 / 80.6±1.6 (mm Hg), 78.5±1.8 and 75.2±1.6 (bpm). Pulse pressure PP = 47.4±1.3 and 46.8±1.3 (mm Hg), systolic volume SV = 52.0±1.3 and 49.6±1.2 (ml), minute volume of blood flow MBV = 4.1±0.1 and 3.7±0.1 (l), peripheral vascular resistance PVR = 207.8±8.9 and 225.3±9.4 (kPa*s/l), Kerdo’s vegetative index KVI = -2.4±2.5 and -8.5±2.5 (c.u.), bloodcirculatory insufficiency index BII = 1.64±0.03 and 1.71±0.04 (cu). It was found 19.4±2.4 and 21.2±2.3 points out of 72 possible on the CFI scale, with the greatest weight of three symptom groups: “physiological discomfort”, “disturbances in the sleep–wake cycle”, “decreased overall well-being and cognitive discomfort”. The duration of the needed sleep was 8.0±0.2 and 8.2±0.1 (h). The telephone operators working with night shifts showed twice as many correlations between BA and CFI (p<0.001). Sleep lengthening in those working with night shifts was associated with a decrease in BA and PP, in those working without night shifts - with a decrease in PP, mean dynamic pressure, and BII.

Conclusions. The BA of telephone operators practically corresponds to their calendar age and PBA, while AR - to the average population ratio. The functional state of the bloodcirculatory system, in general, is qualified at the level of the "middle class", however, the predominance of the parasympathetic system in the autonomic regulation of bloodcirculation and an increased BII were revealed. The initial degree of chronic fatigue development was found. For operators working on schedules with night shifts, the development of biological aging and chronic fatigue correlate twice as severe as for those working without night shifts (p<0.001). An increase in the duration of sleep can serve to prevent the development of pathology of the bloodcirculatory system (especially for shiftworkers without night work hours), as well as a tool for "biological rejuvenation" – for night shiftworkers.

Key words: aging rate, shift work, bloodcirculatory system, static balancing, self-assessment of health, sleep.


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