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Hygienic assessment of occupational risk when using pesticidal formulations based on spiromesifen and abamectin for agricultural workers

ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.17, No 4, 2021

Hygienic assessment of occupational risk when using pesticidal formulations based on spiromesifen and abamectin for agricultural workers

Tkachenko I.V.1, Antonenko A.M.1, Borysenko A.A.1, Korshun O.M.2, Lipavska A.O.2
1Hygiene and Ecology Department No. 1 of Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
2Hygiene and Ecology Institute of Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

Full article (PDF): ENG / UKR

Introduction. Pesticide load is a potential hazard not only for the environment, but also for people who directly work with chemical plant protection products. Therefore the maximum observance of all hygienic requirements and regulations for the use of formulations is very important for the health of workers.

The aim of the study is a hygienic assessment of working conditions and potential occupational risk of hazardous effects of spiromesifen and abamectin (active ingredients of Oberon Rapid 240 SC, KS) when applied to crops.

Materials and methods. Field experiments to study the working conditions of workers were carried out with ventilatory treatment of apple trees with the Oberon Rapid 240 SC formulation. The method of gas-liquid, high-performance liquid chromatography and the vapor-phase gas chromatography were used to determine the content of active ingrredients in the air of the working zone, atmospheric air, washes from open surfaces of the skin and rubber gloves, stripes on overalls. The potential risk of a possible dangerous effect of spiromesifen and abamectin on workers with complex intake through the respiratory tract and skin was assessed in accordance with the Guidelines «Studying, assessing and decreasing the risk…» (Approved by MH of Ukraine № 324, 13.05.2009).

Results. The values of occupational risk for various routes of exposure to spiromesifen and abamectin in a tanker and a tractor driver were calculated, taking into account the content of substances in the air of the working zone, flushes from open skin areas and stripes on overalls do not exceed 1 (permissible risk ≤ 1). The combined risk of harmful effects on workers with a complex intake of spiromesifen and abamectin was calculated by simple summation of the complex risk values. The resulting risk for the tanker was 7,8×10-4 c.u., for a tractor driver – 11,1×10-4 c.u., that is, not exceed 1 and is a accetable value. It has been proven that in the formation of a professional combined risk, the leading role belongs to the inhalation (96 %).The for workers re-enter intervals are as follows: 3 days for mechanized work and 7 days for manual work. We recommend monitoring the application of the formulation using spiromesifen.

Conclusion. It has been shown that the application of the Oberon Rapid 240 SC, which combines two active ingredients – spiromesifen and abamectin, when using traditional technical means and observing the established agro-technical and hygienic regulations, does not pose a danger to workers.

Key words: spiromesifen, hygienic assessment, working conditions, professional risk.


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