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Investigation of hematotoxic effect of micro- and nanoparticles of iron oxide Fe2O3 under single and long-term intake into the body

ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.17, No 4, 2021

Investigation of hematotoxic effect of micro- and nanoparticles of iron oxide Fe2O3 under single and long-term intake into the body

Trachtenberg I.M., Dmytrukha N.M., Lahutina O.S., Korolenko T.K., Lehkostup L.A., Herasimova O.V.
State Institution "Kundiev Institute of Occupational Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv.

Full article (PDF): ENG / UKR

Introduction. Due to its special magnetic properties, iron oxide nanoparticles (NP Fe2O3) are used in industry as catalysts, as well as in medicine for the cancer diagnosis and treatment. Given the small size of NP and their increased biological activity, accumulation in internal organs and slow elimination, the study of their impact on the body is an important medical and biological problem.

The aim of the study was to study the effect of iron oxide Fe2O3 with micro- and nanoparticles on the composition and coagulometric parameters of the peripheral blood in the simulation of acute and subchronic intoxication in rats.

Materials and methods of research. The object of the study were Fe2O3 solutions with particles of 19 nm and 400 nm; male Wistar rats (n = 30), which were divided into 3 groups (n = 10). The 1st experimental group of rats was injected with a solution of NP Fe2O3 19 nm; 2nd group - Fe2O3 solution with particles of 400 nm; the control group of animals was injected with 0.9% saline. Determination of the peripheral blood composition was performed using a hematology analyzer Elite 3 (Czech Republic), coagulogram indicators on the device Humaclot Junior (Germany). The study was performed after a single intratracheal and 30-fold intraperitoneal intake of Fe2O3 solutions.

Results. It was found that a single intratracheal injection of colloidal Fe2O3 solutions caused changes in hematological parameters (decreased hemoglobin, decreased erythrocytes and platelets, hematocrit, leukocytes, increased monocytes), indicating impaired hematopoiesis and hemoglobin synthesis. Prolonged intoxication with Fe2O3 particles led to a significant decrease in the total number of erythrocytes and leukocytes due to damage to hematopoietic organs, which combined with disruption of hemoglobin synthesis can lead to anemia. Both acute and subchronic Fe2O3 intoxication have resulted in changes in platelet cell status and coagulogram, that indicate serious disorders of the blood coagulation system and a high risk of blood clots due to reduced blood viscosity.

Conclusions. Acute Fe2O3 intoxication caused suppression of erythropoiesis, hemoglobin synthesis, increased blood clotting. Prolonged intake of Fe2O3 solutions in rats was characterized by a more distinct effect on all studied blood parameters, which indicates the anemia development, stimulation of macrophage-monocyte cells and increased risk of thrombosis. The obtained data indicate differences in the ability of Fe2O3 micro- and nanoparticles to affect the composition of peripheral blood, the process of hemoglobin synthesis and indicators of the blood coagulation system.

Key words: iron oxide, micro- and nanoparticles, peripheral blood, hematotoxicity.


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