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Medico-social and demographic characteristics of the formation of occupational morbidity in Ukraine in the pre-war period and during martial law

ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.18, No 3, 2022

Medico-social and demographic characteristics of the formation of occupational morbidity in Ukraine in the pre-war period and during martial law

Nahorna A.M.
State Institution “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

Full article (PDF): ENG / UKR

Introduction. According to estimates of the global workforce, the number of which is about 2.84 billion people, almost 2.4 million die annually as a result of accidents at work (up to 360,000 deaths as a result of approximately 270 million accidents at work) and occupational diseases (about 2 million dead).

Occupational morbidity is a significant component of indicators of the general morbidity of workers, which reflects all the complex effects of environmental, genetic factors, the quality of medical care, lifestyle, as well as occupational conditions and the labor process (the effect of physical, chemical, biological factors, the severity and intensity of work, sometimes with danger to the health and life of people and others).

Epidemiological observations conducted on the detection, registration, accounting and analysis of occupational diseases in Ukraine during the years of independence testify that these processes need to be revised, improved, and brought closer to the EU criteria.

The purpose of the research is to provide an assessment of the medical and social, demographic determinants of the formation of the labor potential of Ukraine, the state of occupational morbidity in the pre-war period and during the martial law.

Research materials and methods. An assessment of the country's population and its economic activity was carried out according to the data of the State Committee of Ukraine, the Center for Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. personal long-term monitoring of the state of occupational morbidity in Ukraine. All basic data presented in the "Accounting cards for occupational diseases (occupational diseases)" for 2001-2021 were collected and processed. The study of employment of the population in the labor process, demographic indicators, and the state of occupational morbidity of the population of working age was carried out. publications using electronic resources and WHO, ILO, PubMed databases.

Results. The dependence of the formation of occupational morbidity in Ukraine on the state of the legislative base of labor medicine problems, population employment, its medical and demographic characteristics, and the state of medical care for workers during the years of independence, including the years of the Russian-Ukrainian war, was revealed.

Conclusions. An able-bodied population is the primary basis for the formation of labor potential. During the years of the country's independence, the population decreased by almost 10.6 million people (20.3%). In the age structure of the population, people under the age of 14 make up 13.7% of the total population, which indicates a decrease in the reserve of labor potential in the future. Levels of occupational morbidity are constantly decreasing (from 9.0 to 1.5 thousand), which is due to the imperfection of the legislative base for providing medical assistance to workers. The level of social security also depends on the economic activity of the population, medical and demographic processes, and the influence of military actions.

Keywords: occupational diseases, medical and social, demographic characteristics, population employment.


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